Country | NAICS Code | HS Code | Available | Price/Unit US$ | Unit of Measure | Valid Until | ISO / CERT |
11 | 16-24 | MEMBERS-ONLY | kg | MEMBERS-ONLY | No |
Type | Capital Assets M. (US$) | Volume of Trade (US$) | Int. Trade (US$) | Years in Business | No. of Employees |
R&D | 1 | 1 | 1-5 | 1 | 1 |
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Naics Code | MEMBERS-ONLY |
Contact Person | MEMBERS-ONLY |
Job Title | MEMBERS-ONLY |
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Postal Code | MEMBERS-ONLY |
Country | MEMBERS-ONLY |
Telephone 1 | MEMBERS-ONLY |
Telephone 2 | MEMBERS-ONLY |
Website | MEMBERS-ONLY |
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